Thursday, January 29, 2009

My beautiful grandbabies

Trinity age 16 months

It is time the world realizes that grandmothers do not have to look old or have big bellies wasting our days in the kitchen or sitting in a rocking chair any more. We can continue to lead active joy filled lives and in so doing we can spend more quality time with our grandchildren.

Jayden 3 months

Join me if you will on this wonderful journey of being a healthy, fit grandmother.

Trinity spends most her time playing or on Nana's lap :)

No child should ever have to share a lap with belly bulge.


  1. How about a healthy, fit, grandfather?

  2. Of course John healthy, fit, grandpa's are always welcome on the fit granny page. :)

  3. Real beautiful pictures and I am sure you enjoy your time with your grandchild.
